Truly Myrtle Podcast - Episode 24: Musings on Creativity & New Challenges

I've been trying and failing spectacularly at new creative challenges recently. I've found learning to throw clay really hard and it's left me feeling wobbly about my creativity. This podcast I'm sharing my thoughts and revelations about trying new things, making mistakes and determination.

My recent interview with Rachael Laves reminded me how inspired I am by fearless crafters who give things a go and are prepared to make mistakes and carry on regardless. I'm not sure I'm as brave as I thought but I'm doing my best to carry on anyway.

Have you heard of Me Made May? It's a wonderful opportunity to show off what you've made to wear and be inspired by others.

Will you join me and Ioana from Moeke Yarns for our May virtual sewing party to celebrate Me Made May? We're inviting you to join us to make a few great basics for your wardrobe. You can find me on instagram here and Ioana and Moeke Yarns here.

Find us and the party over on instagram - there are no hard and fast rules - make this work for you!

There's a long list of great basic patterns in my recent Mini-Mag and a pinterest board for more inspiration. Ioana has been writing about her plans on her blog too.

Use the hashtag #greatwardrobebasics on Instagram so we can all see what you're up to.

I'm thinking of making an Inari dress, another merino Scout Tee and a long skirt for winter. I wonder what you'll make?

Don't you love my podcast picture this time?! I was completely thrilled to receive a copy of this gorgeous drawing from the daughter of one of my listeners - It's me! Josie is 12 - isn't it fantastic!

The wonderful soundtrack for my podcast is "Casting On" by Mr Roberelli.